Wow, I got the best Birthday present ever!! My twin is the nicest sister in the whole world. I've been trying to win a Suzi Blu Painting on Ebay for about a year. My awesome sister bought me a Suzi Blu Painting for my Birthday and I love it!!! It is so perfect and beautiful and wonderful!!!! It is magical and has a wondeful energy to it. Thank you Liz for being so thoughtful and Thank you Suzi Blu for your incredible artwork. I am blessed!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! You made my year!! :-)
You! are! so! WELCOME!!!
Please let your SUzi Blu be a constant reminder that you too are a superstar! Go paint!
Thanks for my awesome presents! I am wearing one right now he he and I will be reading one a little later and watching one tomorrow and....
Happy Birthday you lucky girl!!!
Peace & Love.
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